SPECIAL PRIZE for Inga Lyashenko for Creative Invention “Suspension Containing Technologically Processed Amber”. KIWIE 2010, Seoul, Korea, May 9, 2010.
KIWIE 2010 Gold Prize. Award for the innovation “Suspension Containing Technologically Processed Amber” is given to Lyashenko Inga. International Women’s Invention Exposition 2010 (KIWIE 2010), Seoul, Korea; May 6-9, 2010, organized by the Korea Women Inventors Association (KWIA) and the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO).
Goda Raksts Ingai Lasenko par pasaules meroga atklajumiem un inovativiem risinajumiem nominacija „Unikalakais produkts” konkursa „Latvija var”. 30.11.2009. Riga, Latvija.
KIWIE 2009 Gold Prize. Award for the innovative biotextile threads for medical and preventive purposes is given to Lyashenko Inga. International Women’s Invention Exposition 2009 (KIWIE 2009), Seoul, Korea; May 1-4, 2009, organized by the Korea Women Inventors Association (KWIA) and the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO).
WIPO Gold Prize (World Intellectual Property Organization). Award for the Best Invention is given to Lyashenko Inga for the invention of innovative biotextile threads for medical and preventive purposes. Korea International Women’s Invention Exposition 2009 (KIWIE 2009), Geneva and Seoul, May 1-4, 2009
The noble Order of International Ambassadors Medal an honorary Decoration Rewarding I. Lyashenko for her Outstanding Services to World Society.
International Medal of Vision The Governing Board of Editors of the ABI American Biographical Institute, Inc. July 31, 2008. Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
Specialbalva „Ideju Kauss 2008” biznesa planam – „Skatitaju simpatijai” Riga, 13. junija 2008. g., Andrejostas iela 4a, Andrejsala
DIPLOMS par 1. vietu Latvijas inovativo biznesa ideju konkursa „Ideju Kauss 2008”, biznesa plans „Dzintara pavediens tekstilam”; Riga, 13. junija 2008. g.
WOMAN OF THE YEAR – 2008 The Institute’s International Board of Research decided to nominate Inga Lyashenko for her overall accomplishments and contributions to society. The Governing Board of Editors of the ABI American Biographical Institute, Inc. May 16, 2008. Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.
American Order of Merit The Governing Board of Editors of the ABI American Biographical Institute, Inc. 2008. Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
Great Minds of the 21st Century Gold Medal Hardbound Luxury Keepsake Issue of the 2007/2008 Edition and Proclamation Plaque. The Institute’s International Board of Research decided to nominate Inga Lyashenko for highlighting her accomplishments and ideas as well as her contributions to society through her unmatched intellect. The Governing Board of Editors of the ABI American Biographical Institute, Inc. April 20, 2008. Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.
Galvena balva Komandai AMBELIKA , UNESCO Latvijas Nacionalas komisijas rikotaja studentu konkursa „Tehnologiju reklama – to var ikviens !!!”, Riga, 2007. gada 12. novembri, Rigas Ekonomikas augstskola.
Atzinibas raksts par Vides Zinatnes Balvas 2007 lemums Nr. 1-1/2007, par projektu „Dzintara tekstilpavedieni ar antitrombogenu ipasibam”, Riga, 2007. gada 19.oktobri, Latvijas Universitate.
Atzinibas raksts Inga Lasenko tiek apbalvota ar Werner Von Siemens izcilibas balvu 2006 par promocijas darbu ’’Spiedienu radosas trikotazas tehnologisko parametru biomehaniskais pamatojums’’
DIPLOMS par labako 2004./2005. gada nacionalo izgudrojumu Tekstilizstradajumi senisu un bakteriju infekciju likvidesanai